Charitable Giving Resolutions

New Year, New Giving Resolutions!

With the turn of the year, many of us find ourselves in a place of wonder, looking for ways to make this year different. We often hear the term “New Year’s Resolution” and feel an internal sense of pressure willing us to set personal goals to improve our lives over the next 365 days. But what if we shifted that mentality from setting personal goals to setting goals for Kingdom advancement? Instead of asking ourselves what changes need to be made to enhance our own lives, what if we focus on the changes we can make to enhance the lives of those around us? Through this renewed mentality, we will find ourselves changing from the inside out by focusing on the needs of others before our own – just as Jesus has taught us to do.

As we kick off 2021, WaterStone wants to encourage you to think about the charitable giving resolutions you want to set to make a difference for the Kingdom. Here are 5 helpful tips to guide you along during your new year of giving.


It is easier to be confident and diligent in your giving when you are giving to an organization that supports a purpose you care about. When mapping out your charitable giving resolutions, we encourage you to find a charity (or charities) that is close to your heart that you want to invest your money into.


When giving your gift, you want to make sure you do your best to optimize every dollar. This means being sure to give at the right time when your gift is at its most valuable amount. This will ensure that you are maximizing the output from your gift and will allow you to donate even more to charity. To know when the best time to give is, contact one of our Gift Strategists to talk about which method of giving will maximize the value of your donation.


Donating to the Kingdom is a great way to bring your family together and establish a legacy of giving. When deciding what to give and when, we encourage you to bring your family into the conversation and discuss the importance of giving to others. Starting these conversations will plant a seed in those around you to want to continue the legacy of giving throughout their own lives.


Just as it is important to center many other areas of our lives around God, giving to the Kingdom is no different. Sometimes it can be challenging to know where to give, what to give, and how to do it, but when we bring God into the picture and center our giving around Him, He will reveal His purpose to us and guide us in the right direction. It is important to remember that the assets we have belong to God, not us; rather we are entrusted to be good stewards of these resources and use them for His glory.


It is okay to not have all the answers! Many people find themselves wondering what their most valuable assets to give are and what to do with them once they know. We want to encourage you to ask questions. Our experienced team of giving strategists is here to answer all of your questions. Our goal is to help you recognize and maximize your giving potential for the Kingdom.

Wherever you may currently be in your giving journey, it is never too early to start thinking about what you want your giving to look like in the future. Set aside time to connect with God and ask Him to guide you in your charitable endeavors. Create charitable giving resolutions for the new year and watch God take you on a journey greater than you may have ever anticipated.

Connect with a Gift Strategist today

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